When you find a great automobile repair shop you are very blessed. I have been! A few years ago I had run over something bad on I20 in GA and messed up the underside of my car and one wheel. AAA took me to a local repair shop. This shop, in Covington, GA not only does regular auto maintenance but also is well known for their work on classic cars. Are they expensive? No! But they are not WalMart where you get whoever is there to fix your car. Are they thorough and honest? YES. Brad is the mechanic has been assigned to my car pretty much for the life of my car. He is very tall, I am very short and my little Corolla has a large dog crate permanently in the back seat so it limits how far back the driver's seat can be taken. He deals with this along with the strong odor of 'dog' in my car (and sheep/goat/chickens). I, of course, do not smell it. I promised him that I would Febreze it next time. He smiled. He has dogs. What I really enjoy about this repair shop is that once you are a client you become family. My mechanic treats me as a family member who will not let a family member drive a car that is not safe, and the office manager is now a good friend. If you are in the Covington, GA area, I strongly recommend Golden Rule Automotive. They want trust, honest, and do good work.